Configure SNMP on Cisco Devices

Configure SNMP on Cisco Devices

SNMP Overview

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) defines communication and message format between network management stations and agents.

Every managed network element, such as a router, switch, or host is running a management agent. Its function is to retrieve and modify operational variables’ values as requested by network management stations.

This article contains information on how to enable SNMP agents on different Cisco devices, including IOS, IOS-XE, and NX-OS-based.

SNMPv1/SNMPv2c Configuration

SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c use the same security mechanisms based on communities transmitted in clear-text format. It is still used in some networks, however, SNMPv3 should be used in new deployments.

I will start with SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 configuration first. SNMPv3 configuration will be shown in the later sections.

I’m using 3 different types of devices in this demonstration: Classic IOS, IOS-XE, and NX-OS. The community string is the only required configuration and it is the same for SNMPv1/v2c on our platforms with slightly different keyword options on NX-OS.

Classic IOS (Cisco 1940)

You can specify if the community string is for read-only and read-write access, as well as access-list to control which management stations are allowed to query the device. All options except for community string are optional, with read-only access being the default if none is specified. You can enter more than one community string, as the command doesn’t overwrite previous community value.

C1940(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRO ?
<1-99> Std IP accesslist allowing access with this community
<1300-1999> Expanded IP accesslist allowing access with this
community string
WORD Access-list name
ipv6 Specify IPv6 Named Access-List
ro Read-only access with this community string
rw Read-write access with this community string
view Restrict this community to a named MIB view

C1940(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRO ro
C1940(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRW rw


IOS-XE has the same options and keywords as classic IOS:

CSR1000V(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRO ?
<1-99> Std IP accesslist allowing access with this community
<1300-1999> Expanded IP accesslist allowing access with this
community string
WORD Access-list name
ipv6 Specify IPv6 Named Access-List
ro Read-only access with this community string
rw Read-write access with this community string
view Restrict this community to a named MIB view

CSR1000V(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRO ro
CSR1000V(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRW rw

NX-OS (Nexus 9000V)

N9K-1(config)# snmp-server community FastRerouteRO ?

group Group to which the community belongs
ro Read-only access with this community string
rw Read-write access with this community string
use-ipv4acl Specify IPv4 ACL, the ACL name specified
after must be IPv4 ACL.
use-ipv6acl Specify IPv6 ACL, the ACL name specified
after must be IPv6 ACL.

N9K-1(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRO ro
N9K-1(config)#snmp-server community FastRerouteRW rw

NMS Configuration

To test the configuration I will be using a great free application called SnmpB (link). For each device, you will require an Agent Profile. Press the Tools button as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. SnmpB User Interface
Figure 2. SnmpB Agent Profile Configuration

I’ve created a profile for each of the 3 devices. The settings are shown in Figure 3.

My Cisco 1940 router’s IP address is with the SNMP community of FastRerouteRO as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 3. SnmpB Agent Profile General Settings
Figure 4. Agent Profile SNMPv1/v2c Settings

Once profiles are configured, let’s test simple get request for the device uptime. We need to request (using SNMP GET) value of an object that represents device uptime. Any object in SNMP has a unique identifier (OID) and its format and description will be defined in a MIB.

What is MIB and OID?

As per RFC1155 (link) – “Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB… Each type of object (termed an object type) has a name, a syntax, and an encoding. The name is represented uniquely as an OBJECT IDENTIFIER. An OBJECT IDENTIFIER is an administratively assigned name.”

MIB describes a set of objects, including their identifiers, expected reply format, and if values are read-only or can be changed.

For example, MIB-II has the following definition for interface description:

Figure 5. SNMP Interface Description Object

A network device usually supports a standard-based MIB, such as MIB-II (link), as well as vendor-proprietary MIBs. Most NMS have pre-loaded modules for standard MIBs. Import is required to support vendor-specific extensions.

Object Identifier (OID) is written in dotted notation starting with the top-level node. For example, the Internet subtree of Object Identifiers is The object hierarchy has an unlabelled root. Under root, there are 3 allocated child nodes: ccitt (0), iso (1), and joint-iso-ccitt (2).

ISO has a subtree for other organizations org (3), with the child node of (6) assigned to the US Department of Defense (DOD). DoD in turn allocated a node (1) to Internet Activities Board (IAB).

SNMPv2 Testing

To test – expand the MIB tree and navigate to sysUpTime object ( Note that the Node Info window displays detailed information about the selected object. Right-click on sysUpTime and then select Get.

Figure 6. Get Request for sysUpTime

The Figure 7 shows uptime of the Cisco 1940 router.

Figure 7. Reply for sysUpTime (Cisco 1940)

Figure 8 and Figure 9 shows uptime of the Nexus 9000V and CSR. To poll different devices select the corresponding entry in the drop-down box called Remote SNMP Agent.

Figure 8. Reply for sysUpTime (Nexus 9000V)
Figure 9. Reply for sysUpTime (CSR1000)

SNMPv3 Configuration

SNMPv3 defines the User-based Security Model (USM) with the ability to authenticate and encrypt communication between agents and monitoring stations. There are 3 security levels listed below with the weakest first:
• noAuthNoPriv (no authentication or encryption)
• authNoPriv (authentication only)
• authPriv (authentication and encryption)

Minimal configuration of SNMPv3 requires 2 components: Group and User.

Note: There are some interoperability issues between Cisco IOS and IOS-XE devices and SnmpB when AES192 and AES256 used, so AES128 is configured instead in all examples. SNMP debug (debug snmp detail and debug snmp packets) produce the following error with AES192 and AES256:

*Dec 26 02:47:55.691: SNMP: Packet received via UDP from on GigabitEthernet1no such type in ParseType (152) (0x98)
ParseSequence, Unexpected type: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SrParseV3SnmpMessage: ParseSequence:
SrParseV3SnmpMessage: Failed.
SrDoSnmp: ASN Parse Error
*Dec 26 02:47:58.693: SNMP: Packet received via UDP from on GigabitEthernet1no such type in ParseType (152) (0x98)
ParseSequence, Unexpected type: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
SrParseV3SnmpMessage: ParseSequence:
SrParseV3SnmpMessage: Failed.
SrDoSnmp: ASN Parse Error

Classic IOS (Cisco 1940)

C1940(config)#snmp-server group SNMP-Group v3 ?                                                      
auth group using the authNoPriv Security Level
noauth group using the noAuthNoPriv Security Level
priv group using SNMPv3 authPriv security level

C1940(config)#snmp-server group SNMP-Group v3 priv
C1940(config)#snmp-server user SNMP-Admin SNMP-Group v3
auth sha FastReroute priv aes 128 FastReroute

Note: SNMP users are not stored as part of running or startup configuration, so the second line will not be visible via “show running-config“.

SnmpB requires the configuration of SNMPv3 User. To access the configuration setting click on Options > Manage SNMPv3 USM Profile. Once the USM profile window opens, right-click on a blank space in the list of profiles and select “New USM profile”. I’ve configured username, security parameters to match the ones we configured on the router earlier. See Figures 9 and 10 for details.

Figure 9. SnmpB: SNMP User Configuration
Figure 10. SnmpB: SNMP User Configuration – 2

Go back to our device profiles, as shown in the Figure 1. Select SNMPv3 as supported version and choose corresponding Security Name and Levels as shown in Figure 11 and 12.

Figure 11. SnmpB: Enable SNMPv3
Figure 12. SnmpB: Enable SNMPv3 – 2

Let’s try to poll the Cisco 1940 to confirm that we still can access uptime information as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. SnmpB: Poll Uptime with SNMPv3 Enabled (Cisco 1940)


IOS-XE is configured identically as Classic IOS.

CSR1000V(config)#snmp-server group SNMP-Group v3 priv
CSR1000V(config)#snmp-server user SNMP-Admin SNMP-Group v3
auth sha FastReroute priv aes 128 FastReroute
Figure 14. SnmpB: Poll Uptime with SNMPv3 Enabled (CSR1000)

NX-OS (Nexus 9000V)

Nexus 9000V minimal configuration is based on a single string, as SNMP groups in NX-OS are replaced by roles for Role-Based Access Control, and by default new users will be assigned network-operator permissions. As a side effect, by default SNMP users will be able to log-in via CLI to the switch with access to all show commands.

Note that there is no group option under SNMP. Use the “role” set of commands, which then can be used as groups in SNMP.

N9K-1(config)# snmp-server ?
aaa-user Set duration for which aaa-cached snmp user
community Set community string and access privs
contact Modify sysContact
context SNMP context to be mapped
counter Configure port counter configuration
drop Silently drop unknown v3 user packets
enable Enable SNMP Traps
engineID Configure a local SNMPv3 engineID
globalEnforcePriv Globally enforce privacy for all the users
host Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
location Modify sysLocation
mib Mib access parameters
packetsize Largest SNMP packet size
protocol Snmp protocol operations
source-interface Source interface to be used for sending out SNMP
system-shutdown Configure snmp-server for reload(2)
tcp-session Enable one time authentication for snmp over tcp
user Define a user who can access the SNMP engine

You can assign users to a group for SNMP-Admin by typing it in straight after the username.

N9K-1(config)# snmp-server user SNMP-Admin ?

WORD Group name (ignored for notif target user) (Max Size
auth Authentication parameters for the user
enforcePriv Enforce privacy for the user
use-ipv4acl Specify IPv4 ACL, the ACL name specified after must be
use-ipv6acl Specify IPv6 ACL, the ACL name specified after must be

N9K-1(config)# snmp-server user SNMP-Admin auth
sha FastReroute priv aes-128 FastReroute

NX-OS also creates a normal user in addition to the SNMP user. Both users are stored in the running configuration.

N9K-1(config)# show run | incl SNMP 

username SNMP-Admin password 5 #password# role network-operator

snmp-server user SNMP-Admin network-operator auth sha
#password# priv aes-128 #password# localizedkey

Let’s test that we can poll N9K using SNMPv3.

Figure 15. SnmpB: Poll Uptime with SNMPv3 Enabled (Nexus 9000V)

SNMP show commands

Classic IOS (Cisco 1940) and IOS-XE (CSR1000V)

Devices keep track of which objects were polled and associated timestamps, as shown in the listings below.

CSR1000V#show snmp stats oid 

time-stamp #of times requested OID
03:27:46 UTC Dec 21 2018 6 sysUpTime
09:54:49 UTC Dec 18 2018 3 system.6
09:54:46 UTC Dec 18 2018 3 system.4
09:53:49 UTC Dec 18 2018 2 system.5
09:53:49 UTC Dec 18 2018 2 system.1
11:27:41 UTC Dec 17 2018 1 sysOREntry.3

To get the list of SNMP groups use the “show snmp group” command. Note that SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c have groups and as there is no concept of users, they are named as the community name. Also not covered in this article, SNMP views allow restricting access only to specific OIDs or subtrees.

CSR1000V#show snmp group
groupname: ILMI security model:v1
contextname: storage-type: permanent
readview : *ilmi writeview: *ilmi
row status: active

groupname: ILMI security model:v2c
contextname: storage-type: permanent
readview : *ilmi writeview: *ilmi
row status: active

groupname: SNMP-Group security model:v3 priv
contextname: storage-type: nonvolatile
readview : v1default writeview:
row status: active

groupname: FastRerouteRO security model:v1
contextname: storage-type: permanent
readview : v1default writeview:
row status: active

groupname: FastRerouteRO security model:v2c
contextname: storage-type: permanent
readview : v1default writeview:
row status: active

groupname: FastRerouteRW security model:v1
contextname: storage-type: permanent
readview : v1default writeview: v1default
row status: active

groupname: FastRerouteRW security model:v2c
contextname: storage-type: permanent
readview : v1default writeview: v1default
row status: active

To get the list of SNMP users use the “show snmp user” command. As users are not displayed in the configuration, this command is the only way to check the SNMP users.

CSR1000V#show snmp user
User name: SNMP-Admin
Engine ID: 800000090300000C29B86282
storage-type: nonvolatile active
Authentication Protocol: SHA
Privacy Protocol: AES128
Group-name: SNMP-Group

NX-OS (Nexus 9000V)

N9K-1# show snmp oid-statistics 

SNMP OID Stats -
Object ID Min Max Avg
Max Access TS Last-polled NMS Poll Count
(ms) (ms) (ms)

iso. <1 <1 <1
02:33:25:515 Dec 21 2018 1

NX-OS in addition to OID statistics also provides show command to display statistics related to a management station.

N9K-1# show snmp nms-statistics 

- SNMP NMS OID Stats -
NMS IP Address                              GET    GET    GET    SET           
First Poll                 Last Poll
                                                  NEXT   BULK
----------------------------------------                                  1      0      0      0 
02:33:25:515 Dec 21 2018  02:33:25:515 Dec 21 2018

To get the list of SNMP groups use the “show snmp group” command. Its output is the same as the “show role” command would produce.

N9K-1(config)# show snmp group 

Role: aaa-db-admin
Description: Predefined AAA DB admin, has no cli permissions. Allows RESTful A

Rule Perm Type Scope Entity

1 permit read-write

#some output omitted

Role: network-admin
Description: Predefined network admin role has access to all commands
on the switch

Rule Perm Type Scope Entity

1 permit read-write
Role: network-operator
Description: Predefined network operator role has access to all read
commands on the switch

Rule Perm Type Scope Entity

1 permit read

#some output omitted

To get the list of SNMP users use the “show snmp user” command. Admin users are automatically enabled as SNMP users, as NX-OS implements a single user and role storage.

N9K-1(config)# show snmp user

User Auth Priv(enforce) Groups acl_filter
_ __ _ ___
admin md5 des(no) network-admin
SNMP-Admin sha aes-128(no) network-operator

NOTIFICATION TARGET USERS (configured for sending V3 Inform)

User Auth Priv
_ ___

SNMP debug commands

Classic IOS (Cisco 1940) and IOS-XE (CSR1000V)

Two commands displaying if there is communication with NMS are “debug snmp detail” and “debug snmp packets“. Below is the output generated when a simple SNMP Get request is performed.

CSR1000V#debug snmp detail
SNMP Detail Debugs debugging is on
CSR1000V#debug snmp packets
SNMP packet debugging is on
CSR1000V#terminal monitor
*Dec 26 23:41:59.539: SNMP: Packet received via UDP from on GigabitEthernet1SrParseV3SnmpMessage: Failed..

*Dec 26 23:41:59.539: SNMP: Get request, reqid 1062, errstat 0, erridx 0
sysUpTime.0 = NULL TYPE/VALUESrDoSnmp: received get pdu
CheckClassMIBView: all included
CheckMIBView: OID is in MIB view.

*Dec 26 23:41:59.539: SNMP: Response, reqid 1062, errstat 0, erridx 0
sysUpTime.0 = 305892
*Dec 26 23:41:59.540: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to

NX-OS (Nexus 9000V)

In NX-OS use “debug snmp pkt-dump” which is similar to commands shown above for IOS/IOS-XE. Below is the output generated when a simple SNMP Get request is performed.

N9K-1# debug snmp pkt-dump  
2018 Dec 27 11:45:07.929429 snmpd: 1063.000000:iso. = NULL SNMPPKTEND
2018 Dec 27 11:45:07.929489 snmpd: SNMPPKTSTRT: 3.000000 160 1063.000000 393237.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 4 3 3 0 0 remote ip,v4: snmp_54789_172.16.17.75 \200 11 0 \200 11 SNMP-Admin 10 0 0 0x11e950d4 90
2018 Dec 27 11:45:07.929560 snmpd: 1063.000000:iso. = Timeticks: (339820) 0:56:38.20 SNMPPKTEND
2018 Dec 27 11:45:07.929577 snmpd: SNMPPKTSTRT: 3.000000 162 1063.000000 393237.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 4 3 3 0 0 remote ip,v4: snmp_54789_172.16.17.75 \200 11 0 \200 11 SNMP-Admin 10 0 0 0x11e950d4 90

Cisco VPC (Virtual Port Channel) Basics

VPC Overview

VPC or Virtual Port Channel is a Cisco proprietary feature available on the Nexus platform. Two switches of the same model can be combined into a VPC pair, which can establish a single EtherChannel, also known as a link aggregate or a port channel, across both switches to a third switch or server.

This peering device doesn’t know that it is connected to two different switches and it just needs to support link aggregation either statically or using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).

MultiChassis EtherChannel (MCEC) or MultiChassis Link Aggregation (MLAG) terms refer to the technique of bundling links across more than 1 device. VPC is Cisco’s implementation of MCEC/MLAG on the Nexus line of switches. Similarly, Cisco Catalyst switches support Virtual Switching System (VSS) or StackWise-based MLAGs.

VPC channel group – is similar to traditional EtherChannel, however, has its member ports on different switches

VPC port or VPC member port – is a port that is part of VPC-based port-channel

Without VPC, parallel links are considered as a Layer 2 loop. Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) would block one of these links. To enable simultaneous use of these parallel links, STP priority adjustments were required and load balancing was done on per-VLAN or per-MST instance basis. Such configuration adds complexity and doesn’t provide even traffic distribution.

VPC addresses these issues. With VPC, multiple uplinks from an access switch are treated as a single link. Layer-2 topology becomes loop-free and no port blocking by Spanning Tree Protocol is required.

Servers and hypervisors can also more optimally balance traffic without having to pin virtual machines to a specific uplink.

VPC Components

To enable VPC a high-bandwidth interface known as VPC peer-link is required. It is recommended to bundle at least two 10Gbps ports. Peer-link is used to perform state synchronization and some data traffic.

An additional interface is required for keepalive exchange. It provides physically diverse connectivity, so heartbeats are not lost when VPC peer-link goes down. This mechanism protects against split-brain scenarios during VPC peer link failure.

Switches can be directly connected using 1Gbps or higher bandwidth ports. Out-of-band management interfaces also can be used as a peer-keepalive link.

Figure 1. VPC Components
Figure 1. VPC Components

Peer keepalives are sent every second by default and must be explicitly bound to a specific IP address. As a result, heartbeats can be routed across the network.

Nexus switches have dedicated mgmt0 interfaces for out-of-band management. This interface belongs to management VRF and designed to be connected to a dedicated Out-Of-Band Management (OOBM) network. Standard practice is using this network for peer-keepalives. This saves a front data port.

One of VPC peers becomes primary and the other one is secondary. The configurable priority value controls preference of a switch’s role, however, it is runtime parameter and secondary switch can become operational primary. Primary peer exclusively runs some of control plane features, but most importantly during peer link failures it keeps its interfaces up, while secondary has to shutdown links participating in VPC downstream to prevent loops.

As both VPC peers have their own management plane and configured separately, the protocol must ensure that both switches are configured in a consistent manner. There are 2 types of configuration parameters – Type 1 and Type 2. If Type 2 parameters mismatch both switches continue to operate normally, however, some traffic will be forwarded not optimally. With Type 1 settings mismatch, the secondary switch stops forwarding traffic for VPC enabled VLANs.

VPC VLAN – is VLAN that is allowed on VPC peer link

Orphan port – Port that is connected to a single switch and not part of a VPC port channel. To be qualified as an orphan port, it has to be a member of a VPC VLAN or have it enabled if it is 802.1q trunk.

The Data plane operation of the VPC switch pair follows some rules to prevent loops. During normal operations, peer-link is not used for data-plane packets with the exceptions of traffic to and from orphan ports or during one of the VPC member ports failure. VPC switches prefer local VPC ports when selecting egress interface.

VPC Configuration

Configuration of VPC consists of several steps:

  • Prepare L3 peer-keepalive connectivity, in the example below, out-of-band management interface was used
  • Enable VPC and LACP features
  • Enable and configure global VPC options under “vpc domain” sub-mode. The most important settings are peer-keepalive and role priority (to make one of the switches a primary).
  • Configure VPC peer-link

The diagram below shows the lab diagram and example of basic VPC configuration.

Figure 2. VPC Lab Diagram
Figure 2. VPC Lab Diagram

Sample configuration for VPC switches N9K-4 and N9K-5 is shown below.

N9K-4 N9K-5
N9K-4(config)# interface mgmt0
N9K-4(config-if)# ip address
!Ensure that there is ip connectivity, see listing 1
N9K-5(config)# interface mgmt0
N9K-5(config-if)# ip address

N9K-4(config)# feature vpc
N9K-4(config)# feature lacp
N9K-5(config)# feature vpc
N9K-5(config)# feature lacp
N9K-4(config)# vpc domain 100
N9K-4(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination source vrf management
!To make this switch primary. Default is 32667

N9K-4(config-vpc-domain)# role priority 10

!See listing 2 for before and after verification
N9K-5(config)# vpc domain 100
N9K-5(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination source vrf management
N9K-4(config)# interface Po100
N9K-4(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
N9K-4(config-if)# vpc peer-link
N9K-4(config)# interface E1/4-5
N9K-4(config-if)# channel-group 100 mode active
!See listing 3 for the verification successful VPC peering
N9K-5(config)# interface Po100
N9K-5(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
N9K-5(config-if)# vpc peer-link
N9K-5(config)# interface E1/4-5
N9K-5(config-if)# channel-group 100 mode active
N9K-4(config-if)# int E1/2
N9K-4(config-if)# channel-group 2 mode active
N9K-4(config-if)# int Po2
N9K-4(config-if)# vpc 2
!See listing 4 for the verification of connectivity to N9K-1
N9K-5(config-if)# int E1/3
N9K-5(config-if)# channel-group 2 mode active
N9K-5(config-if)# int Po2
N9K-5(config-if)# vpc 2
Listing 1
N9K-4(config-if)# ping vrf management 
PING ( 56 data bytes
36 bytes from Destination Host Unreachable
Request 0 timed out
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=14.936 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=0.639 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=0.497 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=0.504 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 20.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.497/4.144/14.936 ms
Listing 2
N9K-4(config-vpc-domain)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 100
Peer status : peer link not configured
vPC keep-alive status : Suspended (Destination IP not reachable)
Configuration consistency status : failed
Per-vlan consistency status : failed
Configuration inconsistency reason: vPC peer-link does not exist
Type-2 consistency status : failed
Type-2 inconsistency reason : vPC peer-link does not exist
vPC role : none established
Number of vPCs configured : 0
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Disabled (due to peer configuration)
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Delay-restore SVI status : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
Operational Layer3 Peer-router : Disabled

!After peer-keepalive configured on both switches

N9K-4(config-vpc-domain)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 100
Peer status : peer link not configured
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status : failed
Per-vlan consistency status : failed
Configuration inconsistency reason: vPC peer-link does not exist
Type-2 consistency status : failed
Type-2 inconsistency reason : vPC peer-link does not exist
vPC role : none established
Number of vPCs configured : 0
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Disabled (due to peer configuration)
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Delay-restore SVI status : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
Operational Layer3 Peer-router : Disabled
Listing 3
N9K-4(config-if)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 100
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status : success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 0
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Delay-restore SVI status : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
Operational Layer3 Peer-router : Disabled

vPC Peer-link status
id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
1 Po100 up 1
Listing 4
N9K-1(config)# feature lacp
N9K-1(config)# interface E1/2-3
N9K-1(config-if-range)# channel-group 2 mode active

N9K-1(config-if-range)# show port-channel summary
Flags: D - Down P - Up in port-channel (members)
I - Individual H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
s - Suspended r - Module-removed
b - BFD Session Wait
S - Switched R - Routed
U - Up (port-channel)
p - Up in delay-lacp mode (member)
M - Not in use. Min-links not met
Group Port- Type Protocol Member Ports
2 Po2(SU) Eth LACP Eth1/2(P) Eth1/3(P)
Listing 5
N9K-4(config-if)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 100
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status : success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 1
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled
Auto-recovery status : Disabled
Delay-restore status : Timer is off.(timeout = 30s)
Delay-restore SVI status : Timer is off.(timeout = 10s)
Operational Layer3 Peer-router : Disabled

vPC Peer-link status
id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
1 Po100 up 1

vPC status
Id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
-- ------------ ------ ----------- ------ ---------------
2 Po2 up success success 1